DMR #6: Jamie Turner – How has mobile marketing evolved?

David: Why is it essential to claim your business online? How differently do customers interact with mobile compared with desktop and how are the most progressive businesses using mobile marketing in 2014? Those are just three of the questions that I intend to ask today’s special guest, Jamie Turner. Jamie welcome to DMR.

Jamie Turner
Jamie Turner

Jamie: Glad to be here. I’m really flattered that you asked me to join in the conversation.

David: Wonderful to have you. Well, Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author and thought leader who’s helped the Coca Cola Company, AT&T, and CNN to tackle complex marketing issues. He’s also coauthor of Go Mobile which was the number 1, best selling mobile marketing book on Amazon.

Jamie, I guess mobile marketing has gone from starting to happen in 2012 to absolutely essential in 2014?

Jamie: It really has. We’re really in an era where people are using mobile more and more frequently to connect with the brands they love. In fact, I know you’re based out of the UK. I was born in London but in the United States, more than 50% of our time is spent on mobile devices. Now let me define that so that it doesn’t throw a curve ball to too many people. Mobile is defined as a smartphone or a tablet, but if you take those two things and put them together, more than 50% of the average person’s time in the United States is now spent on mobile devices as opposed to their desktop computer. It’s finally the year of mobile. It’s actually here, people have been talking about this is the year of mobile forever. We’re actually really doing it, and things are rocking and rolling on that front.